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UMUG Gaming Basic Clan Rules


At UMUG we didn't have any specific rules that had to be set down in pen and paper but recent events has brought me to add this in to the website.


1. Have fun -  very easy to understand.


2. Respect other members - we all like a bit of banter but know where to draw the line don't be abusive of vocally violent to other members.


3. No hacking or asking for hacked stuff - We do not tolerate hackers or anyone that is found to be asking or in possession of hacked stuff for the games we play. At UMUG we earn our rewards anyone found to have broken this rule will be instantly kicked from the clan.


4. Clan wars - during clan wars we ask that you can be active to earn the rewards we need to play for the rewards so please be active if unable to during any clan war let one of the leaders know of the situation as soon as possible.


These are the basic rules which we all must abide to but most of all is rule one have fun we are a great clan with full of great members.

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